I love to see collection posts (about anything, makeup, shoes, hair producst, you name it) in other blogs, so I decided to write this post about my jewelry collection! I tried to remember where I've gotten each one from, but if I didn't remember the brand, I listed some other place where or way how I've gotten it.
Here's what's in my jewelry box!
I'm a 90's kid so my love for chokers is obvious. Couple of these I've had for years and they've been dearly loved, but I'm especially happy how the tattoo chokers have been brought back in fashion lately!
I loved how easy it was to find different chokers from Japan, so the five bottom ones and the white GOH choker are buys from my last trip.
FAVOURITE ONE: The black Ghost of Harlem choker. I've been wearing it for years, it hasn't lost it's colors at all and I still love it to bits. Ghost of Harlem is probably my favourite brand when it comes to jewelry. Their designs are nice, the prices are affordable (about 20-40€/each) and they don't lose their colors in daily wear (with the exception of the black/silver cross on the left of the picture below). I hate when accessories turn to orange, ugh.
What can I say, I love crosses :D I'm not religious in any way, but I love the way they look. I noticed almost all of my longer necklaces are black or gun metal colored (except the YVSF one). Maybe I should target other colors in the future?
FAVOURITE ONE: I'm having hard time deciding between the silver sequin cross by GLAVIL and the black triple chain cross from Ghost of Harlem... I've had the GOH necklace for longer and therefore worn it a lot more, so I guess I'll have to go with that one.
The short necklaces I own, come in many different colors and themes, unlike the long ones. The style of the gold necklace with the colorful stones is something I haven't felt comfortable wearing before, but I kinda fell it love with this style last summer and had to get it :'D See a pic of me wearing it here. I really like it!
Not related to this pic maybe, but I've been wanting to get some rosegold jewelry as well, but that would also mean I have to buy the whole set (necklace, some rings and preferably a jacket/bag/etc with details in same color) to get started, so haven't gotten to it yet... :D Maybe someday.
FAVOURITE ONE: The silver double chain necklace with a cross, coins and fleur de lys -symbols by Ghost of Harlem. An absolutely gorgeous piece. Love, love, love. The cross also has Jesus on it, it's a fun detail :'D
This pic made me realize how small my ring collection is and how I'm desperately in need of silver rings! Why is it that I mostly buy silver necklaces, but almost all of my rings are gold?? My shopping clearly knows no logic at all. And I believe silver and gold are not to be mixed together when it comes to accessories.
I also want to say I was disappointed with the quality of the twin rings by Wildfox. They started losing their color and got some really visible scratches really quickly. Luckily I got these from sale, so it was no big loss.
I also included my earrings in this pic, because I usually only wear piercing jewelry and therefore only have a few pairs. I do have holes in my ears for these kinds of earrings as well, but most of the time I don't bother wearing them because I prefer my having my hair down and they wouldn't be visible anyway.
FAVOURITE ONE: The silver ring with a blue eye in it. I got it from my friend, Tuomas, who originally got it from his friend, who got it from somewhere in Harajuku. It has traveled far :D He didn't want it anymore, so I gave it a new home. It's been my favourite for years now and it's hard to find one I would like more.
I like studs and I like leather, preferably combined. The studs of the monomania bracelet are quite extreme and really sharp, but it looks sooo nice! When I first started wearing this, I accidentally stabbed people when hugging them :'D Now I've learnt that I have to use only one hand when doing so, hahaha.
I've never been a watch -person, but I got this one from Yver Rocher as a gift when I purchased some cosmetics... :D I think it looks nice with sporty outfits! I still don't know how to check time from it though and I'll always check it from my phone anyway.
My wrists are really thin so it's usually impossible for me to wear bracelets that don't allow you to change it's circumference. This is why I don't have any "hard" bracelets that you just slip on to your wrist. They will fall off.
FAVOURITE ONE: The white GOH bracelet with studs, chains and a skull charm. So pretty. And it matches the GOH choker from the first pic!
Well, not a jewelry but accessories anyway, so included them in this post. I love collecting sunglasses and regular glasses without prescription (nothing wrong with my eye sight) and here's what I've gathered so far.
I especially love round glasses and that's how many of my pairs are. I also prefer big glasses with thick frames over small and thin ones. The newest addition to my collection are the transparent Monki sunnies with green/blue mirror lenses.
On a sidenote, I can't stop laughing at my reflection in these glasses.... I tried to hide behind the curtain while taking the pic but as obvious it is, I failed, hahah.
FAVOURITE ONES: Wildfox Bel Air sunnies in white. Unlike the rings I talked about earlier, the quality of these are on point, and luckily so. I drooled over these for a good couple years before I invested in them and they are sooo cool! One of my favourite items ever.
That's it! Do you have any jewelry or accessory item you like to collect? I would also like to know how you store your accessories! I currently have hooks for my necklaces that work just fine, but everything else is a huge mess. Any suggestions?
Ihanat kokoelmat! Mullakin tulee osteltua tosi ahkerasti aurinkolaseja ja koruja. Chokerit on kans vieneet mun sydämen ♥ Aurinkolaseille olis kiva keksiä joku paikka missä niitä pitää, mulla ne on vaan pöydällä paitsi Unifin lasit on omissa laatikoissaan. Pitäis vähän järjestellä ja tehä tilaa kun on vähän tullut osteltua lähiaikoina monet uudet aurinkolasit! I can't help myself XD ja lisää tekee mieli.
ReplyDeletemun aurinkolasit majailee tossa yhellä hyllyllä läjässä ja pikkuhiljaa alkaa tila loppua kesken...en ees tajunnut että niitä on noin paljon ennenkuin otin tän kuvan XD
Deletekiva että tykkäsit :)
now thats a nice collection (yes, i also love to see collection posts!! - and hauls and all that inspiration *_*) i'm impressed that you know the companies for so many items!
ReplyDeletecollections are always so nice *_* i'm thinking if i should make another one about my shoes but i'm not sure if i would have enough pairs for a post.... well, we'll see XD
Näin sut Hair&Beauty messuilla. Olisin halunnut ostaa teidän pisteestä jotain, mutta aina kun menin kojun ohi, näytit kyrpiintyneeltä ja kyllästyneeltä. Pari luokkakaverin sanoo samaa. Ei tehnyt mieli tulla teille ostoksille.
ReplyDeleteEn tiedä oliko huono päivä tms. Mut messuilla ois hyvä hymyillä.
harmi että koit asian noin, koska en todellakaan ollut mitenkään kyrpiintynyt tai kyllästynyt, vaan mielestäni hymyilin, paljonkin! :D ehkä satuit kulkemaan osaston ohi kun keskityin tekemään jotain muuta annettua tehtävää, mutta voin vannoa että olisit kuitenkin saanut hyvää palvelua jos olisit tullut meidän osastolle ;) enskerralla sit!
DeleteTee ihmeessä lisää tämmösiä postauksia, on kiva kattoa toisten kokoelmia. :D Ja sain tästä myös inspiksen tilata rock by swedeniltä vähän täytettä omaanki korukokoelmaan *_*
ReplyDeletekiva kuulla että tykkäsit! ideana oli vähän että tekisin vastaavanlaisen mun kengistä, mut en tiedä onko mulla tarpeeks kenkiä esiteltäväks.... XD nähtäväksi jää siis!
DeleteYour chokers are so cute! I wish I had chokers like yours :/
ReplyDeletesounds like you'll have to put some chokers on your to-buy -list then 8)
Deletethanks! ^^
Oi toi choker-kokoelma! *-* Aivan ihana (tuun nyysii kaiken).
ReplyDeleteMullakin tuntuu olevan toi ongelma, että on vaikee löytää yhteensopivia sormuksia ja kaulakoruja. Tosin mulla tuntuu kaikki sormukset olevan hopeisia (oon kyl ostanut hiljattain pari kultastakin) mut sit mulla on paljon kultaisia kaulakoruja :D Ei oo munkaan shoppailuissa mitään logiikkaa.
hähää, älä tuu, tykkään niistä itekin 8D
Deletehyvä kuulla, että yhteensopivien korujen metsästys on vaikeaa muillekin XD en tiedä miks, jotenki vaan unohtuu se mitä TARVIS kun löytää jotain kivaa kaupasta...
totally love this kind of post *_* your collection is fabulous, I'm so in love with the chokers! Maybe I should do a post like this too ahahah!
ReplyDeleteaww thanks!<3
Deletei think i've seen your videopost of your collection from... last year maybe?
that was actually one of the things that inspired me to do this post! i'd love to see another collection post too!^^
Love your chokers and sunglasses !
ReplyDeleteDarkSide Of Fashion Blog
(IG : @Saskiabzn)
Saskia! xo
thank you!<3
DeleteOi, ihana korukokoelma, niin moni miellyttää omaa silmää.
ReplyDeleteSitten asiasta kolmanteen. Kysyisin hopeashampoo/hoitoaine vinkkejä. Luin edellisen postauksesi mutta uskon että olet voinut muuttaa rutiinia. Itsellä on blondattu tukka ja haluan pitää sen mahdollisimman valkoisena, laventeliin taittaen. Vinkkejä?
kiitti! :)
Deleteitseasiassa mun rutiinit ei oo muuttuneet edellisistä postauksistä mitenkään.... fudgen ja wellan shampoo+sävyte kombolla mennään edelleen. tosin ostin nyt vasta crazy colorin suoravärin sävyssä lilac, koska on aina ongelmia saada väri tarttumaan tyveen.. tosin en osaa siitä vielä mitään sanoa, kun en oo kerennyt testaamaan.. :D palailen asiaan sit kun osaan kertoa jotain uutta! ^^
Mäkin tykkään tällaisista aarrearkkupostauksista, aika kadehdittava aurinkolasikokoelma erityisesti sulla! :D
ReplyDeleteOon lähdössä Kiotoon ja Osakaan keskiviikkona ja aattelin kysyä, että oisko sulla jtn vinkkejä kosmetiikkashoppailuun Japanissa? Ilmeisesti siellä on useampiakin drugstore-tyyppisiä ketjuja, törmäsitkö johonkin erityisen hyvään? Onks siellä mitään Sephora-tyylistä selektiivisempään kosmetiikkaan keskittyvää ketjua? Mitä merkkejä ja tuotteita sieltä kannattais erityisesti metsästää? Kiitos paljon jo etukäteen, jos jaksat vastailla. Yritin googlailla, mutta vähän nihkeesti löytyi mitään ajantasaista tietoa. :)
kiitos :D on näitä hetken aikaa kerättykin XD
Deletekosmetiikkashoppailusta en oikeen osaa sanoa, koska en sitä oo japanissa juurikaan harrastanut... viime reissulla en tainnut ostaa meikkejä ollenkaan (meikinkiinnityssuihketta lukuunottamatta, joka oli huono) ja ekalla reissulla tyydyin porkaamaan ihan perus drug store -myymälöiden valikoimaa ja mitä nyt anna suilla hamstrasin :D
mitään sephoran kaltaista en kyllä oo onnistunut bongaamaan, ehkä deparment storeista löytyvä meikkiosasto olis lähimpänä? vähän köyhät neuvot mulla nyt kyllä, mutta toivottavasti löydät kivoja juttuja siitä huolimatta! :)
Your taste is perfect. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteoh wow *o* so much accesories! I love all of them!
ReplyDeleteOh my god I love your choker, necklace, and bracelet collection! They are to die far.